Sexy Nurse Costumes

13 Products

You'll be able to cure all the ails people dressed up as a sexy nurse this Halloween. Choose from our great selection of sexy nurse costumes and nurse outfit styles to find the perfect costume that will make this season one to remember!

Shopping for Sexy Nurse Costumes

Then you've come to the right place! Foxy Lingerie specializes in finding the best costume styles available from designers like Dreamgirl, Leg Avenue, and Roma so that you can be a sexy nurse. From the ultra sultry costume style to the almost scary (but still sexy) styles, we have exactly what you're looking for to stand out among the crowd of costume lovers. We have adult nurse costumes with short skirts, low necklines, and cute accessories. No matter the style that you're after, year after year, Foxy Lingerie works hard to find the styles that our customers will both love and afford. If you're looking for something a little more on the erotic side, then check out our selection naughty nurse lingerie bedroom costumes this Halloween then definitely check out these costume styles. If you're looking to have a little bedroom fun, don't forget to check out our super selection of sexy roleplay lingerie outfits!